Pittsburgh April Meeting

  • Posted on: 8 May 2017
  • By: Cassiodorus

The Green Wizards' Benevolent and Protective Association, Tower No. 412, and the Rememberers' Guild, Local 412 of Pittsburgh, are pleased to announce their May meeting. Salvus per ignem!

We will meet on Wednesday May 23 from 6-to-7 p.m. at the Bridgeville Public Library to hear a free presentation from Blue Heron Nature Skills. The subject, presented by a local foraging expert, is "Tree Identification and Uses."

Beginning Beekeeping

  • Posted on: 25 March 2017
  • By: Cathy McGuire


Once again, I speak as a beginner rather than an expert, but as I attempt to turn my garden into a full circle of grow-harvest-recycle, I have decided to introduce honey bees into my yard. I’m extremely excited about this, and I am very grateful that there are so many people sharing their expertise on YouTube and in local organizations, so that people like me can help preserve honeybees, which are in sharp decline.

Boonedoggles, Not What You Think It Means

  • Posted on: 14 December 2016
  • By: David Trammel

Sometimes the strangest things will prompt me to post. Case in point...

I was reading ClubOrlov tonight. Guest writer, Candace Makeda Moore, paints a chilling picture of what Life is like for those Americans already deep into the first stage of the Long Descent. Its been a while since I visited, so I was reading some of the more recent posts.

Its Going To Get Bad For Most

  • Posted on: 14 December 2016
  • By: David Trammel

Now I won't lie and I won't sugar coat the future for all of us. Its going to be tight, cold and nasty. Marked by uncertainty, crime and want.

And by Fear.

The Long Descent will affect your life in a whole host of ways. Whether that street light gets repaired. Whether your trash gets picked up. Whether there is a grocery within easy distance. Whether you get basic services like water and power.

Understanding Limits At $100 A Minute

  • Posted on: 14 December 2016
  • By: David Trammel

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My blog post for today, is a lesson in Limits.

If I gave you one hundred dollars for a minute of your time, you would consider that good deal, wouldn't you? After all, you get over 525 thousand minutes a year in your Life, trading me one of those minutes for that much money seems like a very good deal. Doesn't it?

Power Down - Are You Ready?

  • Posted on: 15 January 2016
  • By: Cathy McGuire

An ice storm sent the power crashing off throughout the Willamette Valley this month. At first, just a two-hour morning blackout, but that same afternoon the power went down and stayed down for 20 hours. This happened about an hour before sunset.

As I put my backup plans in place, I couldn’t help but remember that the Oregon Seismic Safety Advisory Commission had recently issued a document stating that in the event of a severe earthquake (which is overdue here), it could be 3 to 4 months before power would be restored to the Valley. All through the night and the next day, I held that fact in mind, as I both prided myself on being mostly prepared and found out what pieces were still not in place. For those who either haven’t started preparing, or who haven’t been tested recently, I want to describe the situation and the lessons I learned.

The Lazy Gardener

  • Posted on: 1 March 2015
  • By: Cathy McGuire

(Introducing Cathy McGuire's new blog, "The Lazy Gardener")

Although I am an avid gardener, I confess that I am always looking for the ways that involve less physical work, less maintenance, less time and effort. That probably makes me a natural for permaculture. I haven’t taken a course, and I would be the last person to call myself an expert on any kind of gardening, but I wanted to share my experience with those people who feel perhaps that they can’t do it unless they do it hundred percent.
