Returned Items Often Go Into The Trash
My first thought was where are Amazon distribution centers, where are their dumpsters and how can I go dive in them for stuff?
"Why? You're returning something that's new and fine?
It actually costs a lot of companies more money to put somebody on the product, to visually eyeball it and say, Is this up to standard, is it up to code? Is this going to get us sued? Did somebody tamper with this box in some way? And is this returnable? And if it's clothing, it has to be re-pressed and put back in a nice packaging. And for a lot of companies, it's just not worth it. So they will literally just incinerate it, or send it to the dumpster."
Someone is paying for it. Who do you think?
Justin Patrick Moore
Mon, 12/23/2019 - 07:07
Amazon Nomads
I want to know where those dumpsters are too. So much wrong with our system. Speaking of Amazon... I saw this book last year called Nomadland: Surviving in America in the 21st Century. It looked pretty interesting.
Part of it relates to seasonal workers at Amazon, traveling around to different Amazon centers, living in their cars or at campgrounds, etc. Very eye opening to a part of labor that is "unseen"... after all the angels from the temple of Ama-Ka just deliver that stuff!
About the book... "From the beet fields of North Dakota to the National Forest campgrounds of California to Amazon’s CamperForce program in Texas, employers have discovered a new, low-cost labor pool, made up largely of transient older Americans. Finding that Social Security comes up short, often underwater on mortgages, these invisible casualties of the Great Recession have taken to the road by the tens of thousands in late-model RVs, travel trailers, and vans, forming a growing community of nomads: migrant laborers who call themselves “workampers.” "
Teresa from Hershey
Mon, 12/23/2019 - 12:45
I'm a long-time trash picker and dumpster diver: it's all over
I've trash-picked and dumpster dived for years. I taught my minister in South Carolina!
Anyway, based on what I see in my neighbor's trash cans (dog walking makes great camouflage) it isn't just Amazon and other big companies.
A lot of my house furnishings came from neighbors trash cans and 'I'm moving' curb heaps.
Every last item cost money new and yet, here they are: discarded as trash.
I suppose its the time for the owner as well as the time for Amazon. Who wants to spend the time and labor when goods are so cheap?
Teresa from Hershey