How to Make Your Own Natural Vapor Rub
How to Make Your Own Natural Vapor Rub
January 18, 2018 (Updated: January 3, 2020) — by Katie Wells
Medically reviewed by Dr. Lauren Jefferis, MD
"Hopefully cold and flu won’t strike at your home this year, but in case it does, this natural vapor rub is a good natural remedy to have around. I used to keep regular Vicks Vapor Rub and the baby version on hand for times when the seasonal cold would hit until I realized that it had PETROLEUM in it … yuck!
"In the name of not consuming or slathering my children’s skin with anything that is more beneficial to a car engine, I’ve been making this really easy homemade version ever since."
Sat, 02/08/2020 - 02:25
Great, thanks for posting
I've been working on my apothecary skills for my own use and can now make a facial balm, a lip balm, a 1% oregano balm with olive oil, and whipped shea body butter, so this recipe is just at the right time for me to try it out. I think the Vicks one has eucalyptus and thyme though I will check on the jar.