Wildfire Smoke Pollution Forecasts

Here's a useful website if you are in the area where the smoke from recent and current wildfires are affecting your air quality. You can zoom in for more detail.
"Welcome to the Canadian portal for information and resources about smoke from wildland fires. We provide access to services and data for professionals in the air quality, health & safety, emergency management, and science & research communities as well as the public. We are also a community of practice that advances policies, plans & organizations to address wildland fire smoke issues. Our primary service is smoke forecasts from wildland fires using the BlueSky Canada system. This system produces forecasts of hourly ground-level concentrations of PM2.5 smoke particles from wildfires up to two days into the future."

Kay Robison
Tue, 07/27/2021 - 17:22
We have been living with
We have been living with quite thick smoke from California and Oregon. Fortunately the highs and lows have shifted enough that the smoke has moved out. Air is nice to breath today. If we are luck, we will get some rain this week.