Hello from Seattle
Hi all,
I'm a new member who just joined the forums here, though I have been following JMG for more than a decade. I found out about his work as one of the organizing members of the Seattle Peak Oil group which ran from 2004 to 2007 or so. Always been a fan.
Then when the shale boom took over, so did other parts of life, and I went somewhat mainstream for those years. Now, here we find ourselves facing a virus marketing campaign aimed to make everyone stay home so they don't realize the hard collapse was avoidable. So, it is time to collapse and beat the rush, in earnest.
It's a bit lonely being one of the last dirty, unvaccinated holdouts in Seattle, but the people at the local P-Patch gardens don't seem to be very concerned about it, thankfully. I'm not sure Seattle is the best place to remain, but it is walkable and tolerable for now. Depends whether we go full-Lithuania, I guess.
But anyway, I'm here because we need to be spending more time running towards something, not runnning away from things.
If you live in the area, I'd love to meet up!
-Robert N.
Kay Robison
Sat, 10/16/2021 - 20:00
I don't live in Seattle, but welcome to the company.
David Trammel
Sat, 10/16/2021 - 21:37
We Love You Even Unwashed, LOL
Welcome to the community. Yes its been quite the ride if you look back over the last few decades, from the first time we each found the Archdruid Report, to now. I worry the next few decades will be just as much "interesting times" as the past two.
Sun, 10/17/2021 - 06:48
Hi! Like you, I am one of the last unvxxed in a blue city on the east coast so I know how you feel. I've been lurking here for a few years but just got active a month ago or so because I was feeling lonely and trying to focus on my garden and productive projects. Hope to see you around here more!
Teresa from Hershey
Sun, 10/17/2021 - 14:59
Hi Perplexd. Welcome to our little group.
We're glad to have you with us.
Feel free to post all your adventures with gardening, making do, and getting along with crazy neighbors.
We're ready to listen. And comment. And make helpful suggestions.
Sun, 10/17/2021 - 17:54
hi and welcome
Hi Perplexd, good to see you here and welcome. We do seem to be living in interesting times.