I have been taking them since the summer. I cannot tease out which things I started doing are responsible for what. I do various things, I am overall having health improvements.
I started using them when JMG launched his experiment. Their effects seemed very subtle, but I thought I had more energy. I have continued the practice with the idea that it would be a good general tonic effect on my immune system and body, especially during the "pandemic".
Sun, 11/28/2021 - 23:50
I have been taking them since
I have been taking them since the summer. I cannot tease out which things I started doing are responsible for what. I do various things, I am overall having health improvements.
Kay Robison
Mon, 11/29/2021 - 10:12
I have also been using them
I started using them when JMG launched his experiment. Their effects seemed very subtle, but I thought I had more energy. I have continued the practice with the idea that it would be a good general tonic effect on my immune system and body, especially during the "pandemic".