Blizzard Warning In Affect For Hawaii!

Ok you just can't make this stuff up anymore, lol. Guess that's why its called "climate weirding".
"A blizzard warning is in effect for Hawaii as the lower 48 contends with a snow drought"
"As of Friday morning, only two states in the US have blizzard warnings -- and they are Alaska and Hawaii. Yes, you read that correctly. In fact, more snow has fallen in Hawaii this season than in Denver, Colorado. Several blizzard warnings are in effect in Alaska where blowing snow will cause travel conditions to be extremely difficult if not impossible. Snow is common in Alaska, especially this winter season. Much of Alaska was colder than normal in November, with some areas near record levels. Hawaii's blizzard warnings are a bit rarer. According to the Iowa mesonet data site, it's been 1,347 days (over 3.5 years) since the last blizzard warning was been issued by the National Weather Service (NWS) in Honolulu. The weather service is forecasting up to a foot of snow or more with winds gusting up to 100 mph through the weekend for the Big Island summits."
Teresa from Hershey
Sat, 12/04/2021 - 12:29
Well, yeah, it can snow in Hawaii. Those volcanoes are tall!
Well, yeah! But the headline is only jaw-dropping if you don't know Hawaiian geography.
I was stationed on Oahu near Pearl Harbor for three years. It was perfectly possible to water-ski and snow-ski on the same day!
That is, if the upper atmosphere cooperated.
Snow only happens on the Big Island and on Maui. Those islands have high enough volcanos that they make their own weather at the summit. The blizzard at the top turns to rain further down. It's like the snows on Kilimanjaro or Mount Washington in New Hampshire.
I remember very clearly when it snowed on Maui at the top of Mount Haleakala. People on Oahu took the commuter air over for the day to see the snow.
David Trammel
Tue, 12/07/2021 - 04:32
Now Flooding For Hawaii
Up to two feet of rain