How Would A "Universal Basic Income" Change Your Life?
More and more the idea of a "Universal Basic Income or UBI" is gaining strength.
The idea is that because of the faster and faster pace of technological change that is happening in the work environment, how automation and robotics are making jobs disappear, the way that America pushes the responsibility of a worker to retrain and learn new skills when their job is lost, onto the worker AND how for many of today's 99 percenters, they will have no place in the coming economic environment THEN perhaps "The Powers That Be" may need to bribe the unwashed masses with some bread and circuses, or at least some cash, so they don't show up at the gates of their betters with pitchforks, ropes and torches!
Ok, that was very much "tongue in cheek-ie", lol BUT not far off.
I don't want to get into the rights or wrongs of this idea BUT instead want to ask everyone, "How would your life change if you were given a basic income?
Nothing too rich but enough to barely scrape by.
What things would you do different and how would you live.