Rogue Food Is On The Rise

David Trammel's picture

In another thread, I pointed out how corporations are using a federal government department to push back against the increase in people raising chickens in their backyards, by over hyping the risk of disease to those that do.

This is a ongoing fight. Corporations don't like people who are not their "consumers".

I haven't bought a grocery store egg in over two years. One of my co-workers has a large chicken flock and every two weeks or so I get a dozen eggs for myself and my sister form him for the huge price of $2 (plus a empty carton). I no longer make money for the 2 or 3 big corporations that control 90% of the chicken egg production in America.

As more an more of us do this, expect that corporations will use their paid political lackey to make are lives harder. And they are doing it more agressively too. SWAT teams raiding whole milk producers. Small Mom and Pop food stands being shut down over minor regulatory infractions. Big Food doesn't want us to take control of where and how our food is produced.

Peak Prosperity has a great pod cast with Joel Salatin, about this push back. Joel was labeled by the Washington Post as "the most famous farmer in America" for his lifetime work in sustainable farming practices.

Its well worth the time listening to (or reading the transcripts):

Joel had a spot on point too:

" I've always said when Americans become as interested in defending their right to acquire the food of their choice as they are the gun of their choice, we're going to have a whole different food paradigm in this country."