Pittsburgh April Meeting
The Green Wizards' Benevolent and Protective Association, Tower No. 412, and the Rememberers' Guild, Local 412 of Pittsburgh, are pleased to announce their April meeting. Salvus per ignem!
This meeting will be of special interest to our local Rememberers' Guild. We will meet on Saturday April 8 starting at 1:30 p.m. in the Tropical Forest Conservatory of the Phipps Conservatory for a lecture on making handmade paper from plants. Afterward, we may tour the gardens and discuss how then we should live absent The Archdruid Report. Admission (if you are not a Phipps member) is more expensive than usual for our meetings, but if your wizard cloak is threadbare, send me a private message; scholarships are available.
Look for a green wizard's hat and a displayed copy of the Green Wizardry book to find us.