Pedal Power Wheelchair

NHK broadcast news says a pedal powered wheelchair has been used for 6000 patients with parapleigia. A number of these patients (didn't say how many) have begun to regain functioning on the paralyzed side or restored feeling in formerly useless limbs. Another instance of lower tech being being therapy!

David Trammel's picture

I wonder sometime, if modern society and those that push it don't want people to be "victims". Greer has spoken of the game that groups go thru when scrapgoating a "not them" group to gain power and status. I think there is a reverse aspect of this, groups want other "not thems" to be their victims. Not victim to the main groups actions, but to some sort of "other", be it a opressive third party, or in many cases just Life's unfortunate accidents.

I don't know how many times, that I've been in minor pain and still went to work or just continued to carry on, and when I mention this, people are like "OMG how can you do that?"

I am reminded of an accident a year ago, I dropped a heavy piece of steel on my foot. It hurt likce heck but I still had a few hours to work so I just kept at it. Once the boss showed up an hour later, I mentioned the acccident and that it hurt enough that i need to probably see the clinic. Though it didn't open for another hour.

(I work third shift)

When I did get to the clinic, the doctor looked at it, said I might have broken it, BUT sorry the x-ray tech doesn't get in until noon, would I like to wait? (Unprintable reply to his question) Turns out another branch near my home (20 minutes by car) had a x-ray tech, so its off to that one.

Hobble in, tell my story, have their doctor look at it, have x-ray tech to her magic, sit around and finally have the doctor say "Yeap, its broken".

He had a nurse come in to fit me for one of those hard boot thingies. Once she had it on, I told her "I don't think I can drive in that, can i just put my shoe back on until I get home?"

She was amazed that I had driven myself to the clinic, like I should have had someone drive me, and of course left my car there at work. That ain't gonna happen. They gave me a script for some pain killers that I never filled and I went home.

The whole experience left me with the taste in my mouth that either the clinic expected me to be a whinny ninny over what to me was a realitively minor injoury OR they dealt with so many people that were, that having someone who wasn't, they couldn't handle.

SO I don't find your report unbelievable, in fact what is it about the idea that if you are injured, you should exercise the body part rather than pamper it with loving care and all the pamperness you can get, that most people and society doesn't get?

ClareBroommaker's picture

I don't think "exercising" paralyzed or injured body parts is opposed to modern medicine. That is a huge part of both occupational therapy and physical therapy. Hasn't it been known been known for some time now that exercising the healthy appendage can have benefits for the injured or paralyzed symmetrical appendage? I thought I've even heard that passive movement (someone else manipulating the limb!) can help to regain function and the even merely thinking about what it is like to move the limb helps to gain function.

BTW, I'd think that physical therapy and occupational therapy would be good skills to have as we collapse.