Pittsburgh September Meeting
The Green Wizards' Benevolent and Protective Association, Tower No. 412, and the Rememberers' Guild, Local 412 of Pittsburgh, are pleased to announce their September meeting. Salvus per ignem!
We will meet on Sunday September 17 to view a special presentation on "Living Off the Land" at the Oliver Miller Homestead in South Park. From the event description, topics addressed may include how early settlers fixed a shelter, foraged for food, built a home, and planned to have enough food for the winter.
Admission is $2 per person. We will plan to meet in the parking lot at 2 p.m. Look for the green wizard's hat and the displayed copy of the Green Wizardry book to find us, or send me a private message to let me know you are coming. As we tour the homestead, we also can discuss topics from Ecosophia.
David Trammel
Thu, 09/07/2017 - 18:01
Just wanted to say, thanks for all the work I see you doing to spread Green Wizardry locally.