Pittsburgh October Meeting

The Green Wizards' Benevolent and Protective Association, Tower No. 412, and the Rememberers' Guild, Local 412 of Pittsburgh, are pleased to announce their October meeting. Salvus per ignem!

We will meet on Saturday October 14 at the Bridgeville Public Library at 1 p.m. to hear a free lecture on bulbs. A Penn State Master Gardener will discuss the different types of bulbs that are available and how to plant them. Afterward, there is a gardening exchange where you can exchange plants and gardening tools with other gardeners. You can register online at the link above.

Look for the green wizard's hat and the displayed copy of Green Wizardry to find us, or send me a private message in advance to let me know you are coming. After the lecture, we can gather for food and drink to discuss topics from Ecosophia.