Talk about sucking the life out of the young!!! Our so called modern world needs to go.
The Long Descent of Our Modern Civilization Has Begun. Are You Ready?
Talk about sucking the life out of the young!!! Our so called modern world needs to go.
David Trammel
Tue, 01/29/2019 - 19:14
Biological Inequality
We live in a world of terrible economic inequality. With the medical and genetic breakthroughs that are happening almost daily, how much loner until we start seeing actual inequalities in how long and how well we and our children live?
If an immortality drug was developed but cost a 100 million dollars to take, how many of us would put up with the idea of the Rich, now being Immortal?
Did you catch the announcement at the end of the article, that an Israeli medical team announced they are close to a cure for cancer? Tell me that will be $10 a pill...not likely. I saw where insulin has quadrupled in price over the last decade. I expect any cure for cancer will be expensive.