Making Charcoal
Does anyone else make charcoal? Would others be willing to try, all you need is wood and a 55 gallon metal drum.
The Long Descent of Our Modern Civilization Has Begun. Are You Ready?
Does anyone else make charcoal? Would others be willing to try, all you need is wood and a 55 gallon metal drum.
David Trammel
Sat, 01/12/2019 - 11:44
How do you make it?
I don't do much cooking over an open fire. In fact I have an unopened barbeque that was a present for Christmas 2017, lol. I'm always open for an experiment though. Does it have to be a 55 gallon drum or can you make it in smaller batches?
Sat, 01/12/2019 - 17:08
Making the stuff
The reason for the 55 gal drum is you end up with 3-4 5 gal buckets of charcoal. You could use a much smaller metal container must have a lid. Even a cookie tin with a small hole in the top will work. Take cookie tin fill with small limbs and or sticks with bark removed place in a small fire until it stops smoking. Let cool for 12 hours and you will have some nice charcoal pencils. The charcoal from the big drum can be used for cooking or as Bio Char in the garden. Will post a link to a utube that was made about 9 years ago I watch it not to long after it was posted
Mon, 01/14/2019 - 09:37
David Trammel
Sat, 01/19/2019 - 08:39
Good looking charcoal
Very nice