How would you use this metal shelf?

ClareBroommaker's picture

One of my gardens is on a lot owned by a neighbor. She gives me pots and things she thinks I might find useful. Last year after everything was completely planted, she gave me an old, over-the toilet metal shelf about like this. She seems really interested in my incorporating it into the garden, but she also like things to look attractive yet a bit quirky. The shelves aren't usable as is. They'd need some planks added. My first thought is to make a trellis, but it seems small for anything I might plant. Have any ideas for how to use it? I might be able to take it apart if that would be useful.

It's actually probably a bit more rickety than the one in the photo. The garden is a mix of ornamental and food plants, but intended to give cheer to passersby.

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ClareBroommaker's picture

Maybe a view of that garden will help prod ideas how to use the old shelf.

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ClareBroommaker's picture

A closer view

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Blueberry's picture

Love the flowers in the garden. Do you have a potting shed or area?

David Trammel's picture

You'd have to put it on a couple for concrete patio blocks (18"x18") so the legs wouldn't rust out from under it. The anchor it with 4 or 5 wires, the ends attached to spikes in the ground about 3 feet out. The put a big bird bath bowl and some hanging feeders. Plant some flowering vines at the base and at the base of the wires and let them grow,