resilient living,, book
Well, first, very extensive forum on many aspects of gardening, building, heating, eating, permaculture, energy, etc.... is
The main instigator from there has a new book coming out, Building a Better World in Your Backyard. The point of this book is to get it into as many hands as possible, especially even new people for which low energy living is a new concept. To that end, you can get codes to download 2 books ( 200 pages) for $10, that is for 2 E-Books. I am getting a set of 12 physical books so I can pass them out to family and neighbors. The kickstarter ends in 5 days, the book is out in print in a few months, it is written and there is a place with reviews at, and it sounds good. The kickstarter page is here play the short video to find out the point and audience, and then there is also a listing of chapter heading, etc..... Along with the book, there is alot of "bonus" access to various information on rocket stoves, cob building, dehydrating , etc.... that you can get depending on what level of support. There is actually good info even for the person spending $10 for 2 Ebooks.
reviewd here
Thu, 05/09/2019 - 19:05
20 hours left and a TON of bonus content added
This is so popular with teh permaculture and other sustianable living people it has gone kickstarter viral -- But, that means that there is just a TON of bonus' added to anyone who is in on the GLORY level, ebooks on gardening, permaculture, natural pools, organic small scale dairy, downloadable plans for solar dehydrator and the latest rocket stove ( a rocket stove is an appropriate technology way of heating a house using very little wood, and you can build it yourself. I have done cob building, even a disabled old lady like myself can mix and work with cob) and more, too much to list, recipes for natural cleaners, .....