Step By Step - Making Flour

David Trammel's picture

Camella Tyrell over on Survivialpedia has a good tutorial on making flour out of nuts, corn and beans.

Does anyone make their own flour? What equipment do you use?

Blueberry's picture

Over the years have collected a stable of mills. These things have gotten very expensive if I were to sell my mills at half the current price of the new ones would make a nice profit. Have a very small roller mill thing that will take oats and make them flat sorry no link. We grind corn for corn meal and corn flour, grind corn for animal feed. Make flour from golden wheat and some red wheat Mr Sweet tatorman has a stable of coffee grinders

mountainmoma's picture

It is realy easy. For years, I used the dry container for the vitamix, and that worked fine since we had the vitamix anyways, but I think you would not do too much at once this way.

I bought a used electric grinder that makes faster, and much finer flour, and it lives on my counter and is realy easy to use. It is a Grain Master WIsper Mill, like I said, I bought it used off a neighbor.

I keep 2 types of wheat berries each in a 5 gallon bucket with a gamma seal lid, one is organic hard red wheat berries ( for yeasted breads, so bread, rolls, naan bread, pizza) and the other is soft white wheat berries ( for pastry flour, pancakes, cookies, etc...) I buy the wheat in bulk in 25 or 50 lb bags from Azure Standard, we have a delivery drop spot 10 minutes from my house that the truck comes to once a month

Looks like they call it the wondermill now

I've been experimenting with growing various grains and legumes and grinding them for flour. So far I've grown and ground winter wheat, spring wheat, rye, barley, oats, winter peas, and lentils. I have an old one horsepower Magic Mill that I bought on E-Bay and a three horsepower Chinese stone mill that I also bought on E-Bay. I sell the flour at a local farmer's market in the winter. I also use the mills to make split peas for soup and wheat cereal similar to cream of wheat but with whole grains. The lentils and wheat berries are also sold whole. I haven't yet mastered making pearl barley or rolled oats. To my surprise, the most popular item I sell is the winter pea flour. It makes a great thickener and protein supplement for soups and some of my customers have perfected bread recipes for their gluten intolerant family members.

Blueberry's picture

Kinda on topic, good place to start for a first time baker. Children enjoy making Soda bread like mud pies you can eat.

I've found that the barley and oat flour that I grind generally doesn't have enough gluten to make bread with a traditional yeast bread recipe. They do make really tasty soda breads, however.