First Call for Artists - "Earthworms in a Hand"

So the draft copy of first short story in the children's series "Billy and the old Woman" has been posted.
First Story Draft - "Daniel and the Old Woman - Earthworms"
Here is a call to those of you who are artists and illustrators and not writer. Make an drawing of a hand with an earthworm. Here's a Goggle image search to pick from
Pictures of Earthworms in Hands
Nothing complicated or elaborate please, remember its a children's book.
Post your work to this thread. If we can get someone interested in publishing the series, we'll be ahead with illustrations too.
David Trammel
Mon, 03/04/2019 - 17:32
Additional Material of Each Story
I saw this website, off the image search of hands and earthworms, which shows some of the additional material that we could do as well.