Giant Hogweed -- Don't Touch!
Here's an article from today's Business Insider warning about giant hogweed. I think I had this in my yard once. There are also some similiar-looking plants like wild parsnip that also should not be touched with bare hands to avoid any"phytophotodermititis."
Sophie Gale
Tue, 06/19/2018 - 01:01
More info, pictures here:
More info, pictures here:
David Trammel
Mon, 07/02/2018 - 20:45
Additional Info
Here's some additional info and where you can forward pictures if you think you have it in your yard. Sounds like nasty stuff.
Sophie Gale
Tue, 07/03/2018 - 01:22
It seems odd that no one
It seems odd that no one seems to have any practical use for the stuff even in its homeland... Something this nasty would make a heck of a privacy fence.
I could probably think of some magic spells.
In rooting around as it were, I came across a reference that parsnips (a cousin) could also have similar irritants if wintered over in the garden and then allowed to go to seed.