A Guide To Thrift Stores

David Trammel's picture

I expect that most of us long term Green Wizards are quite fluent in the art of thrift store shopping, but for someone how is new to Collapse, here is a good simple guide to exploring their local stores and how to walk away with some well worn but still usable gems.


Share any tips you have on this valuable skill.

ClareBroommaker's picture

My spouse and I have a thrift store visit planned for the evening. We're helping a friend get to an appointment, and there is a thrift store nearby, so we'll swing by. Sometimes that friend comes along with us to thrift stores. He has a job with that sort of lower middle class work uniform--khakis and a polo shirt. He's able to dress himself for work from thrift stores. (Me and my husband, too, but for us it is jeans and a protective longsleeve white shirt.)

The article suggests not buying anything that you won't take home and use right away. Nope, I disagree with that, and so would most people who are used to stretching the budget.

A common tip for regular retail stores is to buy out of season clothes to get markdown prices. At thrift stores, I say look for out of season items because it might be slightly easier to find what you need when other people feel less urgent need to pick up the same. For example, if you will need long wool boot socks, look for them all year, not just in the cold season. If you are looking for fishing reels, garden wheel-barrow, rain gear, look for them all year, not just fishing, garden and rain season. Go ahead and buy kid's clothes for the year ahead, it can help prevent you from getting backed into buying at higher prices new.

Think ahead; plan ahead., buy ahead if it helps your situation.