Where Americans lack running water

Where Americans Lack Running Water, Mapped


Across the United States, more than 460,000 households, or nearly 1.5 million people, lack a plumbed connection to drinking water or sewers. And the figures are far worse among disadvantaged groups and in certain parts of the country. Roughly 40 percent of Navajo families lack running water at home. Nearly three-quarters of households in an area of northern Arizona that includes five Native reservations lack connected plumbing.

A new study in the Annals of the American Association of Geographers takes a detailed look at the persistence of “plumbing poverty” in the U.S., and the socioeconomic groups and geographic regions most likely to experience it. Researchers Shiloh Deitz and Katie Meehan, geographers at the University of Oregon, define plumbing poverty as the absence of one or more of three elements: hot and cold running water, a flush toilet, and an indoor bathtub or shower. They use detailed micro-data from the U.S. Census Bureau to map plumbing poverty around the country by race, ethnicity, income, housing tenure and type, and geography across PUMAs (a geographic unit that roughly follows county boundaries).

mountainmoma's picture

By their definition a house may very well have running water and they will categorize it as if it doesnt ! It says right there is the paragraph you posted " if the household is missing one of these..." So a house could have running water but use an outhouse. Or, the house could have a flush toilet and running water but not a plumbed in automatic water heater, in other words, they heat up water on the stove or wood stove.

Many people going down the path we are advocating here choose a composting toilet or outhouse, and so would fall under their category of " plumbing poverty"

Blueberry's picture

By 2030 plumbing poverty will be the least of our worries. Sophie guess you are back on the net missed your posting been very quiet around here.

David Trammel's picture

I fixed the link.