Dealing With The "S" in "SHTF"

David Trammel's picture

Are you prepared for a time when you can use that flush toilet in the bathroom of your home?

In either the case of a natural diaster, which cuts electricity or water, OR a personal collapse which renders either out of your reach, there will come a time when you need to go back to the old ways of an outhouse or a outside latrine to deal with your waste.

The survivial company Paratus, has a good overview with lots of links to this not often discussed issue here:

Yes setting up a human manure composting system, is the best, but that takes time.

Gaza is in the midst of a man-made catastrophe which could lead to pandemic . An ongoing electricity crisis has shut down their sewage processing plant and raw sewage is piling up on the beaches of Gaza and Southern Israel.

"More than 100 million liters of untreated sewage are being discharged into the sea every day, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, citing tests by the Water Quality Department in Gaza. In addition, nearly 75% of Gaza's beaches are contaminated."

Charcoal / Biochar Water Treatment Systems


Web Resources

Biochar Water Filter Design Calculator (graphical method)

Biochar Adsorption Reference Database


Video Resources

Informational Video

Aqueous Solutions: a short introduction ::: What Aqueous is all about, in 7 minutes and 40 seconds.


Instructional Videos

Self-Reliant Water Treatment in 5 minutes and 12 seconds (Thai language, English subtitles) ::: A humorous short video with narration and animation describing the water treatment system at Pun Pun Center for Self-Reliance (northern Thailand).

Biochar for control of trace contaminants in water ::: An English language video of our presentation to the 2014 ECHO International Agriculture Conference. An outline of the challenge that toxic synthetic chemicals pose to drinking water safety in developing communities, along with an overview of our laboratory research and field initiatives developing affordable treatment systems built using local materials and incorporation biochar adsorbent. Ends with a brief cost-comparison to other common point-of-use (POU) treatment technologies.

Making gasifier biochar for decentralized water treatment ::: An English language video explaining the theory of biomass gasification and step-by-step instructions for fabricating and operating a 200 L (55-gal) drum gasifier.

Gasifier charcoal (biochar) oven (Thai language) ::: Theory and practical instructions for making gasifier char, by Jon Jandai of Pun Pun Farm (Thailand).

Making Gasifier Char with Jon Jandai ::: An artistic, short and funny rendition, in Thai language with English subtitles.

Biochar Water Treatment Seminar @ CU-Boulder (June 2012) ::: Video lecture and slideshow detailing laboratory research and field projects (SE Asia) developing biochar filter systems for decentralized water treatment in developing communities.

Vinger is useful too. Vinegar mixed with water to dilute its strength can also be used as a wash.