Grants for Kid Gardeners

Starting a Katie's Krops Garden is so much more than just receiving funding to grow a garden. Youth selected as Katie’s Krops Growers are empowered to grow a healthy end to hunger in their community and positively impacting the health of their cities and towns.

Kids age 9-16 can apply for a grant to raise vegetables for shelters, food kitchens, etc. They have to document their hours. Schools can apply but kids must harvest thru the summer. Kids may not do it for themselves but may sign on to benefit someone else. Sorry kids must live in the US.

See details at:

David Trammel's picture

I see the grant application for 2020 is open until the end of the year.

Blueberry's picture

The local food bank got hit hard by the USDA no more home grown veggies. So be careful of the man!!!!!!!!!!!1

David Trammel's picture

I'd like to hear what their excuses are.

Blueberry's picture

The food bank was down the road from me about 1/2 mile, I was there in 2012 when it happen. Veggies were from my garden the SOB said "we were not a food processing center" and poured bleach over the veggies.

ClareBroommaker's picture

Really, it was someone from the USDA?! I can't imagine what authority they have in a food pantry. Was the bleach pouring meant to be a symbolic/actual cleansing of unregulated home garden germs? Was it meant to destroy your donation? Was it meant as an insult?

Do you know this person who did that? Did you ask further questions? Were further explanations given?

Blueberry's picture

Made unfit to eat. Even the LDS storehouse is under USDA regulation.

mountainmoma's picture

I wonder if there is mpre to the story ? How was a USDA person even at the food bank ? Or, was it an overzealous employee of the foodbank ?

One food bank here, what they do is there are official produce days, which happen outside, and then food bank bags etc... inside, but at any other time other than an official produce day, people can and do just walk up and put food, fresh or canned, on the outside table to donate and anyone can walk up and take any of it, so there is no liability for the food bank for stuff there. SO, yes, homegrown produce is put there, and also canned food that just has hit or is over the sell by date stamped on it, we all know that food is still good, bu they cannot take it and give it out inside. I think this is all more liability than anything else. Farmers market left over produce is givven out inside and also just set outside for people to take there.

Another place is mostly just a weekly produce giveaway location, and it is not associated with the USDA, in other words, it is either food from the local farms/farmers markets and larger donations from big farms, some USDA commodity canned goods. They also give away produce from peoples backyards, but you would coordinate with them, abd have enough of it for the amount of people they serve, but the USDA couldn't care less about what produce they give away. They vet this produce, so you dont just bring it without their permission. They especially like home grown eggs at both of these locations, happy to get them !

Both of these locations are the site of a once a month USDA drop off of produce and foods, this is a seperate program that is run by the USDA and has its own qualifying rules, etc.... they are just the distribution site. At that USDA distribution, yes, no foods other than foods the USDA has brought are given out. Makes sense as a liability thing, if the USDA is doing the distribution they would want to only give out food they have vetted., and at that pick up people would know that this is USDA foods, not just random donations. Is this the type of drop off you were bringing food too ?

You should look for another time or place to donate your produce. If there is nothing else going on, you can always start something next growing season. Find out what your local farmers market is doing with their leftover produce, where they donate. Contact local churches to contribute to their give aways. Many churches here have weekly produce give aways, and they are under no-one elses rules. We also have a unique program, which was started by our local seniors to serve other seniors. The senior group is called Grey Bears, and one of their programs is to distribute a weekly grocery bag of produce to any seniors that want one, donation of $30 a year, but if that is too much, it is also free to many.

mountainmoma's picture

I have friends that run one of the distributions, they were part of our failed transition town, but anyways, alot of the produce is organic, and people who come to get food ask about that, of course we live in an area with alot of organic farms, but most people in line realy want organic and ask and dont take everything or anything. Maybe it is this area, but the point is, the food isnt all sterilized or anything

Also, the USDA food is a blessing for so many people. The USDA itself gives out things like dried fruit ( figs, cranberries, etc..) shelled walnuts, canned apricots in juice, 100% juice juices, canned tomato products, and fresh sturdier produce like potatoes, onions, carrots, cabbage, brocolli, staples like dried beans, rice canned salmon and peanut butter and everything they distribute was grown in the USA. This is a good chunk of healthy foods people can cook with, it is not junk foods. It is good for the children to have that healthy food in the house.

ClareBroommaker's picture

I know when I was involved in food pantry and distribution in the 1980's the US Congress passed a "Good Samaritan Act" that removed liability for donors and distributors of food to pantries and their clients and to onsite charity feeding. Around 1994-97, they strengthened the law. The USDA has some policy to encourage home growers to donate garden grown food.

No doubt there are people who think they know better and lord it over ordinary people, and there are ordinary people who think the USDA certainly would condemn home produce-- so they do, too.

I'm appalled at what happened to Blueberry's produce.