Books recommended in Green Wizard posts of the Archdruid Report
I posted this previously in the Cultural Conservers group.
I've started a trial library at LibraryThing with a few of the books that have been suggested in the Green Wizard series of The Archdruid Report. The link is
If you go to the link, it comes up with style A by default. I've put the blog post where the book was recommended in the comments section for each book, which you can see if you select Style C.
You are also allowed to tag each book according to your own scheme. So far I've used the following tags:
JMG - recommended by JMG in his post or in a comment
JMG Later Edition (or Earlier Edition) - different edition of the same book. Later editions may be easier to order. Earlier editions may be the "original" appropriate technology edition from the 1970s or 1980s.
ARC - recommended by one or more Archdruid Report Commenters in the comments
ARC Earlier Edition (or Later Edition) - different edition of the same book (as above)
LibraryThing lets you sort by clicking the column heading, and has a host of other functions. The only thing it doesn't seem to have is a way for the librarian (that's me) to add a subject description if one doesn't come up automatically. Because sorting by subject is useful, I've tried to use the data from the Library of Congress where possible.
I'm up to date on all of the books in the Green Wizard series so far.
Feel free to post feedback on this forum or send to me directly at gb.heron (at) gmail (dot) com
David Trammel
Sun, 01/09/2011 - 10:39
Very nicely done Liz, thanks.
risa b
Mon, 10/18/2010 - 21:08
Lifelong favorites
GB AKA Liz: Great! Some of our lifelong favorites. Others I think I missed in the list were:
Country Women -- Tetrault and Thomas
Encyclopedia of Country Living -- Carla Emery
Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening -- Rodale's
10,000 Garden Questions -- Dietz,
Down-to-Earth Vegetable Garden Know-How -- Dick Raymond
Do we have
Five Acres and Independence
The Have-More-Plan
Early editions of Joy of Cooking
Laurel's Kitchen
All of the Nearings' books
There is a lot of nineteenth-century to about 1940 stuff that's very good. You can search on terms like "gardening," "farming," "orchards," "poultry," "farm animals" or "homesteading" in Google Books, limited by decade.
One good example is A Self-Supporting Home, by Kate St. Maur, who wrote about 110 years ago. I liked it so much when I found it in the local library that I scanned it and ran it as a blog
online, only to discover later that there were at least three editions in Google Books and two reprints available!
Thu, 10/14/2010 - 10:55
Thank you Liz
Thank you, Liz...what a great site! I joined and added a few books, but had to leave before it became an all day affair.
This will be a great resource when we "pare down" our books. Much needed!
Thu, 09/23/2010 - 00:33
Thank You
that is very impressive Liz - thank you for being so organised.
And as a bonus I have now discovered LibraryThing - what a great tool!
Thu, 09/23/2010 - 18:12
thanks for the good words
Helen, thanks for the good words!
We're up to 245 Green Wizardry books, of which 52 were put forward by JMG and the remainder (almost 200!) have been recommended by commenters on The Archdruid Report.
Once I caught up, it hasn't taken much time to update LibraryThing. I agree with you: it's a great tool.
I don't know much about wikis, but it looks like I'll have the opportunity to learn soon.