Work On Your Posture To Improve Your Health

David Trammel's picture

I'm quite bad at my posture. I know its important but then I'l a little lazy.

Recently my roll around office chair, with its comfortable seat and back, broke. I've looked around at the thrift stores in my community but except for a rather cheap one, in a bright pink and white, haven't found a replacement. Instead I've grabbed one of my kitchen table chair and moved it into the office. It has a comfortable seat but an straight, all metal back. Even then I've found myself slouching in it.

I know better and now I'm trying to consciously maintain a upright sitting position. And don't forget the angle of your monitor too. I found mine wear set straight up and down. I run two screens side by side and found tilting them up so they were more face on to my view helped me sit up straighter.

More on good posture: What are the Benefits of Good Posture?

(good list of additional links and resources)

Check out the Godkhale Method. If they offer classes near you, the introductory one is free (I've only taken the introductory class) and there are also books available which are helpful.

From the site: "We are marvelously designed animals. We have inherent grace and strength, like every other creature on the planet. Our bodies strive to heal themselves, and if we respect our natural design, we can function well for close to a century. Most pain can be attributed to how we hold ourselves and how we move. Since we aren't born with a user’s manual, we rely on our culture to guide us. About a century ago, our culture took a wrong turn.

As a result, in the United States:

90% of adults experience back pain at some point in their lives.
This year, 50% of working Americans will experience back pain.
Back pain is now the leading cause of disability in people under 45 years old.
By age 15, more than 60% of all adolescents have experienced back and/or neck pain.

We have lost sight of what constitutes healthy posture; in fact, many popular guidelines for “good posture” are just plain wrong. However, we can re-learn what we once knew:

Our ancestors knew how to move without pain.
Babies know how to move without pain.
Some cultures still know how to move without pain.

This method educates you in a way that your culture does not, so that you can live a fully-functional, pain-free life."

There is an article on art of manliness which will help.