Use of Grapes by Indigenous Tribes of NA

David Trammel's picture

I didn't know that we had varieties of grapes that were native to North America. Here is a good article from a museum exhibition that goes over some of the medicinal usages they had here. Pictures too.

"The American Vitis species have an ancient history of use by humans. These grapevines and berries were first harvested by the Indigenous peoples who inhabited the North American continent, and who lived or traveled through the lands that are now designated as the boundaries of the state of Missouri. Today, these native grapes are one of many native American plants that play a role in Indigenous culture and foodways, and the use of different species is documented in many diverse Native American nations.

Archaeological investigations in North America have recovered plant food remains that include grape plant seeds. Grapes appear to have been part of the Indigenous North American diet for over 10,000 years, and have been found in sites of this age, including the Dust Cave site in northwestern Alabama, which dates to the Late Paleoindian period (8500-8000 BCE)."

ClareBroommaker's picture

Thanks for bringing that to our attention. As I mean to experiment with plant fibers for making string, it is good to have grapevines brought to mind.

I see so many wild grapevines, sometimes covering riverside trees in a manner similar to kudzu in the American south. The only I've wild grape I've tasted is the muscadine. Huge, very dark colored grapes with a thick skin. They tend to grow nearly singly -at least where I've seen them rather- than in clusters.