Help find my book

I am looking on my shelves for my book, "Preserving Food without Freezing or Canning", the one with recipes and methods collected from a French community and published by Chelsea Green. It has been spoken of here before, so I'm hoping someone can tell me what color the spine of the book is. Maybe I can spot it more easily if I narrow it down to a color.
Sweet Tatorman
Sat, 08/12/2023 - 07:01
Book cover
A search on Ebay for that title results in listings that all show a beige cover.
Sat, 08/12/2023 - 14:42
adding to list of missing items
Sometimes a book spine is a different color than the cover, but I finally did find a picture that showed the spine is the same as the front. I still cannot find the book, though.
Oh well, the project is underway without the advise of that book. My husband watched several youtube videos. We're on day four of fermenting crushed tomatoes.
Wed, 08/23/2023 - 14:01
this one?
Although my copy is a much lighter color than that photo, so the color in the photo is I think off, spince is same color as front, but in the sunlight of this window is a lighter beige, in the shade darker but not as dark as they show even still, more beige less brown
Wed, 08/23/2023 - 12:15
I think I have a copy
I believe you are referencing the book Keeping Food Fresh. old world techniques and recipes by The gardeners and FARMERS OF TERRE VIVANTE
Sorry for the chagne to caps, in a hurry here. But, if it is not too late, is there something in there I can look up for you ? I will check back here a few times today and tomorrow to see if you get back to me
the lacto fermented tomato sauce is on page 84....
Thu, 08/24/2023 - 19:17
Yes, that's the book
Yes, that's the book. I did not know that it had been published under two titles.
My husband liked the results of the first batch. He's making a second batch now. I see that removing skins and seeds from the tomatoes is much easier done after it ferments, so that is a bonus. The result for us is tomato juice, rather than solid tomato pieces.
But-- if you would look for me in the book, I'd like to know whether they use salt in the tomatoes to ferment. I think I remember one of their methods concentrated the tomato juice down to a dough-like consistency with a lot of salt.
Thu, 08/24/2023 - 21:34
tomato sauce
crush tomatoes w skin and seeds left on in a stoneware pot. After a day or 2( once you can see fermentation has started, stir briskly once a day with a wooden spoon. or twice daily if it looks like the pot will overflow.
As soon as fermentation cease ( it will stop being gassy and bubbly, after 5 to 7 days) pass thru fine strainer or tightly woven cloth to strain out seeds and skin you should be keeping all most of pump, should be thick.
per each quart of sauce add 1 to 2 Tablesppons of salt. and one to 2 teaspoons of finely ground pepper ( to taste). Mix well. Put sauce in bottles, top with 3/4 inch oil( to the neck of bottle) to keep air off sauce. Do not cork or tightly lid, can loose lid.
Sauce will keep a year in dark, cool closet. To use remove oil and any mold and the shake the contents well each time
So the salt is NOT done during ferment, it is after for flavor. There is one more recipe for tomato balls, page 83. These have liquid squeezed out first, fermented, strained, then hung outside in cloth to dry out more, until dry enough to shape into balls. Then shaped into balls set on screen in sun and dried out more. Then salted on outside put in jar and covered with oil
So, none are salted until after the ferment
Thu, 08/24/2023 - 21:59
they have another
in the chapter called preserving with salt. so, this is not fermented.
Put tomatoes thru food mill to remove seeds and skins. filter thru cheesecloth ( aside from me, I believe what they describe is you Dont use some water that drips out and this is to thicken more tomato sauce consistency)
Put the well drained thick puree in bowl, stir in 1Tablespoon salt per quart. This tomatoe paste is put into small jar, with a little oil on top, lid clsed tight and kept in the bottom back of refrigerator. (aside, so, since it is not fermented, the moderate salt along with refrigeration keeps spoilage at bay)
Fri, 08/25/2023 - 22:36
Thanks for these instructions
My husband put a little salt from the beginning and added more after the fermentation. It is too salty for me; I could only use it in a dish where the tomato was to be only a small part and which would need added salt anyway.
He's finished and bottled his second batch. He does have the bale closed on the bottles, and I asked him to put a cloth over them to catch the results of any explosion should fermentation resume! Maybe I can talk him into putting the bottles inside a cabinet, under a cloth, and with the bales open.
We have a lot more tomatoes waiting in the garden unless the squirrels "drank them up" in the last three days. It was 106F here today and nearly as bad the previous couple days, so we have let those tomatoes stay on the vine.