Pittsburgh July Meeting and an Announcement

  • Posted on: 2 July 2018
  • By: Cassiodorus

The Green Wizards' Benevolent and Protective Association, Tower No. 412, and the Rememberers' Guild, Local 412 of Pittsburgh, are pleased to announce their July meeting. Salvus per ignem!

We will meet on Saturday July 7 to attend the Whiskey Rebellion Festival in Washington, PA (south of Pittsburgh). We will plan to meet at 2:30 p.m. at the Bradford House, where we can tour the historical sites and see historical demonstrations. If you plan to attend, please send me a private message so that we can find each other. As we tour the events, we also can discuss topics from Ecosophia.

And one final Tower 412 announcement: After almost two years of meetings, our turn-out has been extremely limited, and I have recently accepted a new job that will require significant amounts of time. Accordingly, I fear this will be the last Pittsburgh Tower meeting (at least from me) for some time. To speak of a Tower going dark seems sad, so let me just say that our lights are being turned off as an energy-conservation measure!


David Trammel's picture

Sad to hear the news but I'm sure you will be back soon to light the fires of the Tower beacon.